Tuesday, June 9, 2015

Summer Reading List

Summer Reading List

Ahhh, summer vacation is here at last!  I cannot believe that my first year as a teacher has come to a close.  It seems like an eternity has passed since the first day, but it simultaneously feels like it went by in the blink of an eye.  I'll miss my kiddos, but I'm definitely planning to soak up every moment possible of this summer!

Like so many things (dishes, laundry, shaving....), my leisure reading became basically non-existent during the school year.  The first year is rough, trying to plan and grade, and stay on top of things!  So, I'm excited to to finally have some time to read for pleasure this summer.  My reading list is... well, it's extensive.  I'm hoping to get through them all, but here they in no particular order:

Anne of Green Gables: This beautiful edition was gifted to me by an old friend from college who long ago fell in love with Anne.  I am just starting this book for the first time.  So far?  Enchanted! 
War is a Force That Gives Us Meaning: This text is written by a war correspondent.  It is based on his experiences reporting on war, but offers insights as to why societies are drawn to war as well. 
Luncheon of the Boating Party: Author Susan Vreeland creates the story to go along with the same-titled Renoir painting.  It sounds like a fun concept, and I'm excited to read it. 
Invisible Man: A classic I'm embarrassed not to have read yet, I'll definitely be checking this off my list this summer. 
No god but God: Many of my students are Muslim, but I know so very very little about the religion.  This is a book that I hope will be a good introduction to understanding Islam. 
Portrait in Sepia: I started this near the end of the year, but didn't get far before finals pulled me into the dark hole of paper grading.  I loved Paula, and I'm looking forward to reading something else by Allende.  She's the sort of author who makes me forget I'm reading. 
The Language of Flowers: This is about a young woman who grew up orphaned and who uses flowers as a means of connecting with others.  I don't know much about it, but it's been sitting on my shelf for a while... looking at me. 
The Art of Racing in the Rain: As a dog owner, I anticipate crying like a baby. 
The Elegance of the Hedgehog: About a young girl living in a Parisian luxury apartment, the concierge, and a wealthy man who befriends them. 
The Memory Keeper's Daughter: In 1964, a doctor's wife has twins at home.  The doctor realizes immediately that his daughter has Down's Syndrome and instructs his nurse to bring her to an institution.  She takes the baby instead and raises her as her own. 
The Goldfinch: I'm the last one to the party here.  I know. 
Teach like a Champion: And just because it's summer doesn't mean I won't be attending trainings and reading at least one teacher education book.  This was given to the staff in our building, and while I have read parts of it, I'll be reading it in full this summer.
Summer Reading List
Summer Reading List

Alright, so what am I in for, friends?  Have any of you read these?  I'd love to hear what you thought!


  1. I have never read anything from your list, hope you'll manage to read them all:) When I was a student, Summer Reading List was terrifying me badly:) But nowadays I love reading, especially classics and poetry, which I couldn't understand fully when I was a child:) The books open the door into the world of fantasy!

  2. Summer reading activities are a start to my summer vacation program. Visit here


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