Tuesday, May 10, 2011

The End

The end of law school, that is.  Although I can't believe it, three long years have come and gone.  The actual graduation ceremony is May 14th, but I am officially done with all of my work, papers, and finals for law school.  There have been plenty of highs and lows throughout the years and I'd like to share a few (mostly highs, I promise not to be too depressing) while I'm feeling reflective.

The first semester of law school was rough, to say the least, and I seriously considered dropping out during the first semester.  But, later that same school year came one of the highest points of law school for me: 1L year T.O.R.T.  For those of you who don't know, T.O.R.T. stands for theater of the relatively talentless and is a musical put on and written entirely by law students every year.  Being a part of this group gave me some of my favorite memories of law school.  A small group of T.O.R.T. graduates (self included) will even be singing at graduation!

In addition to T.O.R.T., there were some other pretty enjoyable things about law school.  Women's Law Student Association (I designed the logo!), studying abroad in Ireland (well documented on this blog), and meeting John were all great things to come out of law school for me.  But, classes weren't that bad either (some of them anyway).  A few memorable class quotes:

"The defendant was driving a truck,
who turned going west and was struck,
by the plaintiff who sued,
Claiming negligence proved,
even without an attempt to slow up." (Torts)

"We have doctors for a reason - so people like Nurse Jackie can tell them what to do." (JTY)

Student: "Can I say something?"  JTY: "No."

"I like to cite Queen Latifah as often as possible." (Hasday)

Dr. George Jackson to completely confused student: "Where the **** have you been all semester???"

While I will miss the funny quotes and the chances to perform at the Pantages Theatre, I certainly won't miss the stress and anxiety that law school brings.  I am ready to walk across that stage and graduate!  Now if only I had a job... :)

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